
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Islamic Marriage Is Under Fire Once Again

It is not just happening in Sri Lanka, we need to start thinking out of the box.

written by Okay Pala

Jeroen van Vaenkhardn, from the “Party for Freedom” (right-wing party), sorry… from the “People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy”, has declared his desire to punish severely the imams who conduct marriages for Muslims (according to Shariah) before the civil marriage contract is conducted according to Dutch law, by paying a fine of 20,500 Euros, or put them in prison for 7 months if they repeat this work again. According to Jeroen, “This procedure is not anti-Islam, but such action is in favor of women in general and Muslim women in particular; marriage contracts which are held by the imams are a violation of the freedoms that we have fought for in the past, so we will not accept this”.

Monday, November 7, 2016

මුහම්මද් ﷺ තුමා හා ආයිෂා (රලි) තුමිය අතර සිදු වූ විවාහය

මුහම්මද් ﷺ තුමා හා ආයිෂා (රලි) තුමිය අතර සිදු වූ විවාහය

කදීජා තුමියගේ අභාවයෙන් අවුරුදු දෙකකට පසු අවුරුදු 50 ක් වයසැති වැන්දඹු ව සිටි සවුදා තුමියව මුහම්මද් තුමා විවාහ කර ගත් අතර ඉස්ලාමය වෙනුවෙන් නොයෙකුත් ෂ්කරතාවන්ට මුහුණ දී සිටි සවුදා තුමියට මෙය විශාල අස්වැසිල්ලක් වුවාට සැකයක් නොමැත. කදීජා තුමියගෙන් ලද දරුවන් රැක බලා ගැනීමට එතුමියගෙන් ලද සහාය මුහම්මද් තුමාණන්ට ද අති විශාල සහනයක් විය. මීළඟට මුහම්මද් තුමාණන් විවාහ කර ගන්නේ ආයිෂා තුමියවයි. මේ විවාහය පිළිබඳව දැන් අපි කරුණු සාකච්ඡා කරමු.
ආයිෂා තුමිය යනු මුහම්මද් තුමාගේ හොඳම මිතුරා වන අබූ බක්කර් තුමාගේ දියණියයි. මැය මුහම්මද් තුමා සමඟ විවාහ ගිවිස ගැනීමට පෙර  ජුබෛර් නම් යුද්දෙව්වෙකු සමඟ විවාහ ගිවිස ගෙන සිටියා[1].

Sunday, November 6, 2016

A Letter to Hon. Ranil Wickramasinghe, The Prime Minister of Sri Lanka (COSMOS Expresses Concerns About Political Developments Affecting The Muslims)

Hon. Ranil Wickramasinghe
The Prime Minister of Sri Lanka
58 Sir Earnest De Silva Mawatha
Sri Lanka.

04th November 2016

Dear Sir.
COSMOS Expresses Concerns About Political Developments Affecting The Muslims

Council of Sri Lanka Muslim Organisations (COSMOS UK) ,is an umbrella organization consisting of twenty one of SL Muslim organizations in UK is extremely concerned about two recent political developments in Sri Lanka which have had and will have a significant impact on the Muslims of Sri Lanka in particular and Sri Lanka’s image in general , namely Sri Lankan abstention with regard to the UN Resolution on the Temple Mount and the moves to amend the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act. These developments will undoubtedly create dents in the credibility of the ‘Yahapalana’ government which came to power, promising to act fairly without compromising on the dignity of any particular community and to promote national reconciliation .in the best interests of all communities.

The Issue of Kashmir

In light of recent developments in Kashmir and on advice from one of our readers we post here a translation of a chapter from the Arabic booklet ‘Political Issues – Occupied Muslim Lands’ issued by Hizb ut-Tahrir in 2004. This chapter gives background information to what is happening in Kashmir and highlights some of the atrocities committed by India against the Muslims there.

India conducts its wild campaign against Kashmir, while repeating the rhetoric of terrorism and terrorists, so as to place a thick cloud on the issue. It wants some people to think that Kashmir is one of the Hindus properties,

Is Saudi Arabia a State of Islam or Kufr ?

The following article was written some years ago but is still useful.

Every Muslim must know whether his/her Deen is implemented in any country. This is due to the fact that Muslims must pledge allegiance to the country that rules by the Deen of Allah (swt). In other words, that state would be the Khilafah State that is headed by the Khaleefah whom Islam obligated us to obey. Therefore, this presentation is not hypothetical, nor for pure academic reasons. In other words, the Muslims must know if king Fahd is the Khaleefah of the Muslims, and whether Saudi is the Islamic State. If we conclude that Saudi is the Islamic State, then the obligation of re-establishing the Islamic state is removed (and the Islamic movements are actually wasting their time working for a goal that is already achieve).


When on holidays or when out of the house for some days, there is no way  to know if there was a power outage in your absence or for how long there was no electricity, right?
There is a possibility that the power outage was for several days, leading to defrosting of food and its deterioration.
Once the electricity comes back, foods freeze again and you almost do not notice that they were thawed.