
Monday, November 16, 2015

British PM Cameron rolls red carpet to Egypt’s murderous coup leader Al Sisi Declared British policy for century and half has been to crush Islam and democracy in Muslim countries.

sisi uk cameronBy Latheef Farook :
British  hypocrisy was at full display in London this week  with British Prime Minister David
Cameron rolling red carpet to the Egyptian coup leader Abdel Fattah Al Sisi who  toppled the  democratically elected
Mohamed Morsi’s government and massacred more than 2500 peaceful  people who resisted it.
Al-Sisi began an official visit to Britain on Wednesday 4th November 2015 on an invitation from Prime Minister David Cameron. This was met with angry reactions from democracy and human rights supporters in the country. 

The British daily Guardian asked “In 2011, the British prime minister hailed democracy in Tahrir Square. Now he is receiving  al-Sisi with open arms. What is a man who has overseen the state killings of more than 2,500 political opponents doing at Downing Street?
David Cameron with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi at 10 Downing Street -Photo: EPA freedom. 
Condemning the government the British opposition Labor party leader Jeremy Corbyn said. “David Cameron's invitation to  Al-Sisi shows contempt for human and democratic rights and threatens, rather than protects, Britain's national security,”
“To welcome and bolster with military support the coup leader who overthrew a democratically elected president in 2013 and has presided over the killing and jailing of many thousands since makes a mockery of government claims to be promoting peace and justice in the region. Rather than rolling out the red carpet to Al Sisi, the Prime Minister should suspend arms exports to Egypt until democratic and civil rights are restored,” he added.
British Opposition leader Jeremy Corbin
Criticizing Prime Minister David Cameron’s welcome of   Al-Sisi, the Executive Director of Human Rights Watch's Middle East and North Africa Division, Sarah Leah Whitson, described it as a “disgrace”.
 Whitson told   “Instead of prosecuting Al-Sisi in the ICC in The Hague, he is welcomed by Prime Minister David Cameron in the parliament building. This is a scandal.” She also criticized Britain’s position “as it remained silent in the face of Al-Sisi’s actions against his own people”, noting that “the Egyptian people will not forget this negative attitude”.
Whitson pointed out that the Egyptian people will not forget the diplomatic meeting between Cameron and Al-Sisi, adding: “Britain is more focused on selling weapons than it is on its principles and morals.”jeremy corbyn34
Shadi Hamid, of the American Brookings Institute, said the goal behind Al-Sisi’s visit to Britain is to obtain international recognition for the legitimacy of his rule. But the more recognition Al-Sisi received, the more oppression he exercises against his people.”   
Sarah Leah Watson, Executive Director of Middle East Watch’s Middle East and North Africa division.
There is something common to Prime Minister Cameron’s and butcher Al Sisi. That is their Jewish connection. 
For example addressing the Israeli parliament Knesset on 12 March 2014 the Prime Minister Cameron said his great-great-grandfather was a Jewish man from Germany and the link gives him "some sense of connection" to the Israeli people as he hailed what he described as their "extraordinary journey" and history of persecution.  In the address he pledged to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the "vulnerable" state against terrorism, and said the phrase "We are with you" in Hebrew.
Describing Israel as a vulnerable state and their  bloody  massacres of Palestinians, under British protection, to grab Palestinian lands to  set up the racist state of Israel as   “extraordinary journey”  Cameron  deliberately tried to  cover up  and mislead the world of Israel’s    long history of crimes and  continuing  oppression  of   Palestinian struggle for freedom .     
David Cameron has also been the honorary patron of the Jewish National Fund (JNF) from which he resigned in February 2011. 
On the other hand, plotter Al Sisi was born to a Moroccan Jewish mother. Thus Egypt is also a Zionist occupied land.
Gullible and treacherous gulf tyrants in Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Kuwait spent eleven billion dollars  to topple President Mohamed Morsi’s government elected in a free and fair election in more than six decades. Saudi Arabia spent five billion dollars, UAE and Kuwait three billion dollar each to destroy Egypt’s democracy and bring plotter Al Sisi to power to serve Israel and his US-UK and European masters who are now waging against Islam and Muslims worldwide.
One should not forget that British imperialism has been plotting and conspiring against Islam and Muslims   and promoting tyrants in the Middle East since early 19th century .This has been the declared policy of British imperialism to date though morally bankrupt Gulf racists treat them as special human beings .
For example in 1908 Lord Cromer said that” under no circumstance would the British Government for a single moment tolerate an independent Islamic state”. Lord Cromer was British controller-general in Egypt during 1879 and later became the agent and consul-general in Egypt from 1883 to 1907 during the British occupation of Egypt.
 Added to this British Prime Minister of the Victorian age Mr. Gladstone ,holding up the Holy Quran in his hands, said in the House of Commons that” so long as the Egyptians got this book with them, we will never be able to enjoy quiet or peace in that land”.
What was true in the case of Egypt is equally applicable to all other Muslim countries and what was British policy was also French, Italian and Dutch policy, and remains American and Russian policy to this day.
After all one should not forget that it was these powers who help Zionists terror gangs ,   godfathers of terrorism in the Middle East,  to set up their neo fascist state of Israel which David Cameron vowed to protect  at any cost at his speech to Knesset.
This is hostile British policy towards Islam and Muslims to date blended in hypocrisy. Ends
Latheef Farook is Colombo based  senior journalist and author. He could be reached at

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