Dr Firoz Mahboob Kamal
Calamity of an unending war
Imperialism never dies; only changes its targets, strategies and war fronts. The human history gives full testimony to it. Imperialism -for its survival needs invasion and occupation of the foreign lands; hence needs war. It is the most manifest symptom of the disease that the imperialists find their national interest inside every other country of the world. Hence, as a part of the disease, the USA -from the distant corner of the globe gets very obsessive to cross the whole Atlantic or Pacific Ocean to bomb Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria or any other countries. The imperialists’ war caused the greatest and worst catastrophe for the whole mankind; such war inflicted more deaths and damages than that are caused by all the earth quakes, cyclones, floods and the wild animals. They killed more than 75 million people only in two World Wars. The World Wars stopped; but the list of wars is unending. The killing and the destruction still continue with more lethal weapons of mass destruction. France killed 1.5 million only in one war in Algeria and the USA killed about 2 million in Vietnam and about 1 million in Iraq and Afghanistan. They also run many proxy wars with their own money and weapons in various parts of the world. The imperialists also caused huge deaths even to their own people. Imperialists thus stand as the wickedest forces in the whole human history. In recent years, the deaths caused by all the anti-imperialist militants all over the world are indeed peanuts in comparison to that caused by the US-led imperialists.